Free Democrats for the 57th Cosă Election, March 2022

50-word statement

A Free Democrat majority means: cutting green-and-red tape, making it easier to do Talossan things. Repeal laws, remove bureaucracies. A small, active Cabinet that keeps its promises. The Monarchy/Republicanism Compromise finally done. Miestra Schiva back as Seneschal. Ützil d’ár glhéþ naziunal. Get things done, have more fun. Any questions?


For the Cosă

  • Miestra Schiva
  • Txoteu Davinescu
  • Cresti Nouacastra-Laxhirescu
  • Antaghla Xheneros Somelieir
  • Ugo Trafelli
  • Chirbi Scherpa-Carriedo

For the Senäts

Our Programme for the 57th Cosă

  1. MONARCHIST/REPUBLICAN COMPROMISE. Free Democrats include both monarchists and republicans, but we all put liberty and democracy first in Talossa. We will offer our support to a Talossan Head of State who is continually active, puts the interests of the Nation above defending their own interests and prestige, and acts as the servant rather than the owner of the State. We support Organic structures which ensure that our Head of State operates in this way.
  2. CUTTING THE RED-AND-GREEN TAPE: Talossa’s government and legal structure is top-heavy, unwieldy, hard to navigate and no fun. We support the repeal of all laws and abolition of all Government posts and procedures which are more trouble than they are worth to keep going. We want a smaller, consistently active Cabinet, a Ziu which offers active oversight of the Cabinet and intelligent scrutiny of laws, and a functioning Judiciary.
  3. ÁR GLHEÞ. ‘N naziun sanc glheþ, c’è ‘n naziun sanc coraziun. The Talossan language is not only one of our highest cultural treasures but something which separates our state from all other nations and nation-building projects. Our vision is that all Talossans will learn and use the national language to some extent, and the Government should set policy accordingly.
  4. CULTURE. The Free Democrats support Talossan culture built by its citizens, not the Government. A government that attempts to “do Talossan culture” as well as administer the State will quickly burn out.; The Ministry of Culture should work with ordinary citizens, non-governmental organisations and provincial governments to build Talossa’s “civil society” – ways to be Talossan outside of the Government, including language, research, sports and leisure. This may include State funding, through contestable grants or prizes for competitions.

Statements on Referendums

RZ9 – The Small OrgLawAmendment (Seneschal’s Rights in the Hopper) Act

This term, the Ziu has made changes to improve our lawmaking process, with a Committee to check for bills for errors before they can be Clarked. This Amendment would delete the Seneschál’s ability to skip that process. “Urgent” bills can still be enacted quickly through Prime Dictate or a supermajority.

RZ10 – The Small OrgLawAmendment (Dignity of the Tuischach’h) Act

The current OrgLaw establishes the Mençéi (chair of the Senäts), but does not mention the Tuíschac’h (chair of the Cosa). Currently the latter role is only established in statute law. This amendment just shifts the current statute law provisions into the OrgLaw, establishing equality between both houses of the Ziu.

RZ11 – Amendment on Reserved Seats for New Citizens

Democracy is the core value of the FreeDems, and we believe in extending opportunity wherever possible. Providing seats for our newest citizens was an idea that rose from our party and quickly became a bipartisan effort. We strongly support this amendment.

Free Democrats for the 56th Cosă Election, May 2021

50-word statement

The Free Democrats want to lead Talossa’s government for a fourth successful term. We need to not just recruit new citizens, but find ways to get existing citizens involved again. We want a Historic Compromise between monarchy and republicanism, and to grow the Talossan-speaking population. Txoteu Davinescu for Seneschál!


For the Cosă

  1. Txoteu Davinescu
  2. Miestră Schivă
  3. Cresti Nouăcastră-Läxhirescu
  4. Antaglha Xhenerös Somelieir
  5. Martì-Pair Furxhéir
  6. Açafat del Val
  7. Françal I. Lux

For the Senäts

Senator for Atatürk: Marti-Pàir Furxhéir

Senator for Cézembre: Ián Tamorán

Our Programme for the 56th Cosă


The Free Democrats unreservedly support the Talossa Shall Choose Its King Bill (55RZ21), as a historic compromise which will enact our party’s central principle of uniting the monarchist and republican strands in Talossan politics. We also commit to carrying out the recommendations of the Second National Activity Survey.

We will reach out to active citizens from all political persuasions and none to carry out our programme, or to support private citizens’ initiatives.


The biggest crisis facing Talossa is a crisis of activity – not only apathy towards non-political Talossanity from existing citizens, but a lack of active ways for new migrants to “get involved.”

We will complete the New Citizens’ Information Packet being developed by STUFF, and use other online resources such as the New Talossan History Project, to make sure prospective and new citizens have all the information they need to fully participate in Talossan life. This may involve establishing one or more texts as “required reading” for new citizens.

We will investigate ways of encouraging real-life meetups between Talossans, perhaps based in the Greater Talossan Area itself or based on provinces.

We will investigate creating a new role of Minister or Deputy Minister of Recruitment to find and recruit new prospective citizens.

We will make sure La C’hronica, the Government news source for all Talossans, comes out every month.


We will make greater use of the Talossan Honours System. We will develop Talossan versions of Letters Patent, State Awards, and other physical forms of the trappings of monarchy and chivalry.

We will work with SIGN to create new Talossan language learning materials and to create both translated and original literature.

We will explore with the Chancery the possibility of banner advertisements for Talossan endeavours on Wittenberg.


We will make greater use of the current programme of the Royal Zuavs rewarding the use and learning of the Talossan language. We will enact a formal military awards structure.


We will continue updating Talossa’s online presence. The next step will be fully integrating the Chancery Database with the National Webspace, making it easier and more transparent to administer.

We will promote live video and Instant-Messaging interactions between Talossans.

We will investigate technological ways to alert existing citizens to new prospectives, including ways to encourage prospectives to “introduce themselves” in a way which improves citizen engagement.

We will use the Talossan Job Centre to fill vacancies in the Talossan governing apparatus, and to fit interested citizens to appropriate jobs.


We will re-run the successful “Patriot Points” programme to encourage voluntary taxation and citizen purchases of Talossan coins and stamps.

We will work with the Royal Bank and Post towards a special stamp commemorating deceased Old Growth Talossan and former UC Justice John Carl Eiffler.

We will continue to investigate:

  • naming a Registered Agent for Talossa in the State of Wisconsin, to enable Talossa to own online and other property as an Unincorporated Association under Wisconsin law.
  • a governmental services procurement system, featuring guidelines by which non-Talossans may be found to perform certain Government jobs for which no Talossans are available, for whose performance the relevant Minister will be accountable.


The Attorney-General will work with the Uppermost Cort to revive the Talossan Bar.

We will improve the process of lawmaking to create greater scrutiny and wider input. Possible reforms include having each bill go through multiple readings in the Ziu, and for the Cosă and the Senäts to consider bills separately.

Any further fundamental Organic Law reforms, including the question of a unicameral Ziu or a “Real Cosa”, will be referred to a Standing Committee of the Ziu representing all elected parties.


We will actively engage with the micronational community. We will investigate the creation of a “Landing Pier” on Wittenberg, where friendly and well-behaved non-citizens will be allowed to post and interact with Talossans.

Statements on Referendums

55RZ5 – The Self-Destructing Senäts Repeal (Organic Law Amendment) Bill

Vote PËR. Currently, all provinces conduct their own Senator elections unless they say otherwise. But a province without a functioning government can’t conduct an election, nor ask for Chancery help, so can’t elect a Senator! This bill restores responsibility for Senator elections to the Chancery, unless a province asks.

55RZ22 – The Amendment to the Organic Law (Seneschál Election Tweaks) Bill

Vote PËR. This bill allows people other than party leaders to be nominated as Seneschál; and a month of recess (no Clark) after the Seneschál election will now be voluntary rather than compulsory. These tweaks will make Seneschál elections faster and more flexible while preserving the current, successful system.

55RZ23 – The Due Process Reversion Amendment

Vote PËR. This amendment was actually adopted by the Ziu and in referendum in October 2017! However, due to a miscommunication, when the Organic Law was totally rewritten in 2019, we reverted to the old text. This amendment repairs that error.

Referendums in the 55th Cosa Election: Free Democrat recommendations

RZ16 – The There’s No Such Thing As A Free Senäts Seat Amendment

VOTE PËR. Talossa needs all the sources of income it can get. Political parties have contributed $10 per election for a long time, but Senators have not had to contribute. This amendment will allow us to set a fee for successful Senäts candidates; we envisage $5 would be fair.

RZ22 – The Amada Mertgedes Martyrdom Memorial Act

VOTE PËR. Amada Mer‏‏‏tgedes was elected to the Senate, but was not allowed to vote because she hadn’t been a citizen for a year. But then she was kicked out of the Senäts for not voting! That was not supposed to happen, and this amendment fixes those contradictory OrgLaw provisions.

RZ23 – The Uniform Seneschál Election Act

VOTE PËR. Instead of the King choosing a Seneschál, this Amendment gives the Cosa the right to elect the Seneschál on the first Clark. This makes Talossa much more democratic and transparent.

RZ25 – Judiciary Amendment of 2020

VOTE PËR. The Uppermost Cort has been in a muddle for ages, with inactive Justices and no clear procedure. This amendment was drafted by UC Justice and actual legal expert, Viteu Marcianüs, to make Talossa’s court system work on sound principles.

RZ28 – The Non-Hereditary Monarchy Amendment

VOTE PËR. Talossa has always elected its Kings. The one time we tried a hereditary succession, the crown went to a 7 year old boy whose family didn’t want him involved in Talossa at all. This amendment will ensure that Talossa’s next King is capable of doing the job.

Free Democrats for the 55th Cosă Election, July 2020

50-word statement:

Re-elect Miestră Schivă as Seneschál for a third term! Free Democrats in government get things done and have more fun. We want a referendum on Royal powers, better outreach to the world via social media our website and diplomacy; and more use of the Talossan language. Don’t mess with success!


For Senäts:

  • CÉZEMBRE: Ián Tamorán
  • MARITIIMI-MAXHESTIC: Cresti da Ion Nouacastră-Läxhirescu
  • VUODE: Eðo Grischün

In Benito, the Free Democrats urge a vote for the New Peculiar Way candidate, E. S. Börnatfiglheu

For the Cosă:

  1. Miestră Schivă
  2. Munditenens Tresplet
  3. Martì-Páir Furxhéir
  4. Txec dal Nordselvâ
  5. Txoteu Davinescù
  6. Cresti da Ion Nouacastră-Läxhirescu (also Senäts candidate)
  7. Antalgha Xhenerös Somelieir
  8. Eðo Grischün (also Senäts candidate)

Our Programme for the 55th Cosa

Continue reading


50-word statement:

The Free Democrat-led government has delivered where other parties have just talked. From taking control of our national website to reviving the national language, Miestra Schiva and her Government team have gotten things done and made things fun. Re-elect us for more democratic reforms, hard-working leadership and an exciting Talossa!


For Senäts:

  • CÉZEMBRE: Alexandreu Regeu
  • FIÔVÂ: Gödafrïeu Valcádac’h
  • FLORENCIA: Açafat del Vál*
  • MARICOPA: Txoteu Davinescù

* In Florencia, the Free Democrats urge a [2] (second preference) vote for the AMP candidate, Brenéir Itravilatx.

For the Cosa:

  1. Miestrâ Schivâ
  2. Munditenens Tresplet
  3.  Martì-Páir Furxhéir
  4. Txec dal Nordselvâ
  5. Alexandreu Regeu (also Senäts candidate)
  6. Gödafrïeu Valcádac’h (also Senäts candidate)
  7. Txoteu Davinescù (also Senäts candidate)
  8. Açafat del Vál (also Senäts candidate)

Our Programme for the 54th Cosa

Continue reading

#FreeDems 2017: Our Policy Priorities for the next Ziu


  1. The Ministry of Culture to work with non-governmental organisations and provincial governments to build Talossa’s “civil society” – ways to be Talossan outside of the Government, including language, research, sports and leisure. Prevent government appropriation of private projects through nationalisation, but where possible provide government support for such projects which need it.
  2. By the end of the 51st Cosâ, the Ministry of Culture to broker agreement between the CÚG, the Ladîntsch Naziunál and all other Talossan-language groups and interested parties on (a) a single official spelling system accessible to all speaker communities; (b) a strategy to increase learning and use of ár glheþ naziunál in daily Talossan life.
  3. Revive the Council of Governors to promote greater interaction between our provinces.


  1. Slim down government: cut down on the number of departments, bureaus, and even Ministries. Shift as many functions as possible to the non-political Civil Service and Chancery.
  2. Removal of Wisconsin law from El Lexhátx, and replacement of relevant sections with indigenous Talossan equivalents drafted with the input of top members of the Bar.
  3. Reform of registration fees for political participation, with the introduction of $5 for Senate candidates.
  4. Support a more accessible judicial system for simple disputes.
  5. Set an age minimum of 14 for citizenship applicants
  6. Privacy law for information used on private and public sites relating to Talossa.
  7. Anti-discrimination law to prevent discrimination against individuals on the basis of whether they voted publicly or privately. 


  1. Thorough-going Organic Law reform on the basis of V. Marcianüs’ draft document.
  2. Reduction of Cosa seat numbers to 20
  3. The Seneschál to be appointed by the King on the advice of a majority of Cosa seats.


PRESS STATEMENT: FreeDems Role In Negotiating Government Ends

From the election up until today, the Free Democrats of Talossa have been negotiating in good faith with both the RUMP and the Moderate Radicals in the hope of concluding either one or two deals to create a Government which would have the confidence of a majority of the Cosâ.

Earlier this week, we were informed by the Moderate Radical negotiators that there was no chance of concluding a deal which was not in the nature of a formal coalition. The Free Democrats, of course, specifically campaigned against this, and we feel that to go back on it now would be a slap in the face to our voters, and easy pickings for our opponents. Our record of doing what we say we will do is of top importance with us.

Today, we learned that a draft deal for Government which had been agreed by FreeDem and RUMP negotiators had been voted down by the RUMP membership. Though negotiations were carried out in good faith and ended without rancour – for which we credit the RUMP negotiators, who were prepared to present some pretty hefty concessions to their side – the FreeDems are disappointed by this outcome.

Given this, it appears that the Free Democrats are out of options on forming a Government in the 49th Cosa. The only remaining option seems to be a Monarchist Grand Coalition (RUMP-ModRads-TNC). Although it’s not impossible that either the RUMP or the ModRads might ask us to return to the table, we’re not holding our breath, either. We therefore urge the other parties to conclude their own negotiations as soon as possible and form a stable Government.

The Free Democrats will continue to campaign for active government, Civil Service/Civil Society reforms, and putting manners on the increasingly erratic and unaccountable Head of State. We look forward to an even better election result in the 50th Cosa, and to play a leading role in the Government after that. The incumbent Free Democrat Cabinet Ministers look forward to helping their successors with the transition of government.

Miestrâ A. I-figlhâ Schivâ
Free Democrats Party Leader

POLICY PAPER: Ministry of Justice

by Senator Eovart Grischün

Ministry Remit (Source: TalossaWiki)

The Ministry of Justice provides legal advice and assistance to the government as requested. The holder of the portfolio of this ministry is known as the Avocat-Xheneral (Attorney-General). He and his subordinate officers prosecutes actions brought by the government and defend the government against actions brought against it in the Kingdom’s courts.


1) Rearranging of the Justice Ministry

There is a bit of a flaw in our legal system where the government’s defense lawyer is also the government’s (and Crown’s) prosecution lawyer.

I would like to study the feasibility of implementing an actual Crown Prosecution Service.

My plan would see the Ministry of Justice rearranged to address this in the following arrangement:

– Minister of Justice
— Head of the Justice Ministry
— Sets legal policy and directs the government’s legislative agenda in regards to the Justice system

– Attorney General
— Subordinate deputy to the Minister of Justice
— This is the chief legal adviser to the government and is defense counsel on behalf of the government/Crown

– Procurator Fiscal
— Subordinate deputy to the Minster of Justice
— This is the chief prosecution attorney for the Kingdom, who shall deal with the prosecution of reported crimes

2) Separating the politics from the law and addressing the “many hats” situation

As I am not sure what can actually be done in this regard at this point in time, I simply make the manifesto pledge to have a vigorous and thorough investigative study on the problems and then issue a white paper of recommendations.

3) Creating Statutes for Court issued warrants

Our current legal system does not provide legal protection in the form of Court issued warrants. I would like to see our system include statutes that would require investigators, etc, to seek and obtain court issued warrants before prying into citizens’ business and lives for the purposes of gathering evidence.

4) Streamlining and centralization of Services

I would like to visit the possibility of the Talossan legal system being hosted within its own online domain. A dedicated web service just for the legal systems of Talossa. Including links to law libraries, the business of the Corts, the legally mandated complaints system, the office of the Clerk of Cort, et al.

5) Assisting any other Ministry in a “root and branch” clear out of the Organic and Statutory Laws

Our Laws are bulky. Our laws are clunky. Some stuff from the OrgLaw needs to be cleared out and put into Statute. Some stuff from the Statutes needs to be taken out of law and put into governmental policy briefs. I will assist fellow Ministers with this task.

6) Continuing with current Court cases

I am up to date with the current cases and would work towards the resolution of each.

POLICY PAPER: Interior Ministry

Dr. Txec dal Nordselva, Shadow Minister
Ministry of the Interior – Policy Report 49th Cosa

El Regipäts Talossán

Introduction – Relevant Sections of El Lexhatx

D.2.3 The Interior Minister, who shall combine the roles of Defence and Immigration Minister as set forth in Organic Law XII.4 and XII.5, and shall head the following Bureaus. The Minister may appoint Deputy Ministers to be in charge of each Büreu, and the Civil Service Commission may appoint Permanent Secretaries to each Büreu, to work under the direction of the Minister and any Deputy Ministries. (47RZ8)

  1. a) El Büreu dels Afáes Înphätseschti (Bureau of Home Affairs) which shall be responsible for the order and well-being of the homeland and its environs. This Bureau shall provide a public presence in or near the Greater Talossan Area, shall assist in the organization of Living Cosâs, shall provide governmental assistance to the organizers of an annual TalossaFest celebration, and to all citizens making the Haxh, and shall take care to guide the Seneschal and other ministers in ever maintaining the connection and bond of Talossans worldwide to their homeland. (47RZ8)
  2. b) The Büreu dels Afáes Cestoûreschti (Bureau of Cestour Affairs), led by the ‘Piaçatéir Naziunál’ and assisted by bureaucrats known as C’huescoûrs (or “Binkies”), who shall see to it that the interests of Cestours within the homeland receive the proper attention of the government. (47RZ8)
  3. c) El Büreu dal Zefençù (Ministry of Defence), which shall marshal and provide the Invincible Moral Support of the nation to the good and right side of any international conflict, as determined by the government, conveying to the combatants our proud “we would stand with you, but it’s safer to stand behind you” stance. (47RZ8)
  4. c) i) No action of the Minister or the Bureau of Defence shall infringe on the King’s organic role as Leader of the Armed Forces. (47RZ8)
  5. d) El Büreu dàl Înmigraziun (the Bureau of Immigration), which shall be responsible for the execution of the nation’s laws appertaining to immigration of new citizens into the realm. This Ministry shall work closely with the Chancery and its Bureau of the Census to ensure that all incoming citizens are properly processed through immigration as provided by law. (47RZ8)

D.2.3.1. The Interior Minister shall also be the liaison between the Kingdom Government and the provincial governments. (47RZ8)

D.2.4. The Interior Minister, heading the Ministry of Interior, who shall command the armed forces of the Kingdom during peacetime and during times of declared war, subservient in these duties only to the King in his majesty’s organic role as Leader of the Armed Forces. During periods of war, the Interior Minister is to be referred to as “War Minister.” The Ministrà dal Interior (Ministry of Interior) shall also marshal and provide the Invincible Moral Support of the nation to the good and right side of any international conflict, as determined by the government, conveying to the combatants our proud “we would stand with you, but it’s safer to stand behind you” stance.


Keeping What Works

  • Our national immigration policy has worked reasonably well but there have been lapses. The Ministry will, however, work with all stakeholders to tighten up our immigration policies and verification of the identities of new immigrants

Fixing What Is Not Working

  • Refine El Lexhatx as the statutes are confusing as to Interior Minister roles. A more plain-language approach to the statutes would be more effective and enable better accountability.
  • Look into continuing to fine tune provincial assignments.
  • Work to get the New CItizens Committee functional and able to be maintained!
  • Fix the Immigration sign-up process so immigrants don’t get lost in the shuffle or suffer through website errors.
  • Work with the Ziu to update El Büreu dal Zefençù.
  • Work with the Cosa to get our Civil Service functioning.


  • Making sure new citizens and prospectives get a copy of PRÜMS PÄÇEN (work with STUFF and Culture on this).

POLICY PAPER: Foreign Ministry

by Iustì Tíçhern Corneirsource

Foreign Ministry

The Talossan Foreign Ministry under a Free Democratic government will reflect the Party’s commitment to an “active and competent” administration. It is no secret that the Free Democrats are largely satisfied with the current administration of the Foreign Ministry; indeed, the Party formally requested the current Foreign Minister to continue on in this role under a Free Democratic government. While that offer was refused, it does not alter our belief that the administration of the Foreign Ministry under Minister Itravilatx can and should serve as a model for the Ministry under a Free Democratic government. Indeed, while the Free Democrats of Talossa have a detailed policy program of 16 priorities that will drive the work of a Free Democratic government, none of these priorities directly pertain to the operations or direction of the Foreign Ministry.

Accordingly, the Free Democratic approach to the administration of the Foreign Ministry can best be summed up as “More of the same, with a little more of the same, please.”

The overarching spirit of a Free Democratic Foreign Ministry will reflect a passionate belief in the strength of the Talossan nation, the ingenuity of the Talossan people, and the profound contributions of Talossan culture. We will be confident in our stability, open in our hearts, and committed to the values of individual freedom, nonviolence, and democracy.

In that spirit, please find below the approach to the Foreign Ministry you should expect from a Free Democratic government:

• An honest, arms-wide-open posture in the transition to a Free Democratic government. Expect clear and open communication, and comradely cooperation, between myself and Minister Itravilatx.

• We will retain all current Ambassadors-General.

• We will retain the current Administrator for the Bureau of Humanitarian Aid and International Development and the BHAID Board of Governors. A Free Democratic Government will work closely with the BHAID Administrator and the Board of Governors to implement their funding program and push to make that program a defining feature of Talossa’s standing in the international community

• A Free Democratic Foreign Ministry will release monthly summaries of its work program and the status of its administrative responsibilities. These will be included within a Free Democratic Government’s regular governmental updates or produced directly by the Ministry.

• A Free Democratic Foreign Ministry will update Talossa Wiki with a list of the entities with which Talossa has official diplomatic relations, as well as the status of ongoing negotiations with other entities.

• A Free Democratic Foreign Ministry will create an official list of third-party micronation-related information sources and directories. The Foreign Ministry will then maintain updated information about Talossa on all sources on the list